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For teacher sub-standard 4c, you need to demonstrate that you consistently set homework and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired

The types of evidence you can use to showcase this are:

  • Lesson plans; displays

  • Appropriate and motivating homework; homework record;

  • Annual parental survey of home learning

  • Scrutiny of appropriateness and motivation of work set

  • Marking/ feedback

  • Student voice, feedback from parents, homework diaries

  • Stimulating homework challenges

  • Visits/visitors used to enhance learning; school trips & associated work

Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.

You can use photographic evidence to support your evidence for this standard. Be sure to anonymise any student work or data by blacking out names or identifying details. If you’re using photographic evidence of a visit or visitors, be sure to blank out student faces and any school logos.

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