For teacher sub-standard 2b, you need to demonstrate that you are consistently aware of pupils’ capabilities and their prior knowledge, and plan teaching to build on these.
The types of evidence you can use to showcase this are:
Annotated lesson plans (including differentiation)
AfL strategies
Seating and group plans – identification of vulnerable children
Impact of intervention
Use of assessment to inform planning; SIMS assessment data sheets (AssessmentManager)
IEPs; Individual pupil targets (data); annotated individual pupil tracking sheets
Entry & Exit cards
Understanding of tracking documents/ systems in school & demonstration ofusing them
Key questions identified in planning
APP sheets/ Planning linked to APP
EYFS profile
Baseline assessments
Learning logs/ Learning walks
Use of school pastoral systems, e.g. attendance
Transition information
Parents, including home visits
Other professionals who are involved, e.g. speech therapists, etc.
Discussion with students/pupils – students planning?
Work scrutiny; Quality of marking in books
‘Vulnerability register’ – records barriers to learning – staff take responsibility
CAF tracker
Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.
You can use photographic evidence to support your evidence for this standard. Be sure to anonymise any student work or data by blacking out names or identifying details.