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For teacher sub-standard 2a, you need to demonstrate that you are consistently accountable for pupils’ attainment, progress and outcomes.

The types of evidence you can use to showcase this are:

Pupil progress meetings – including teachers’ own analysis of data, impact &progress of vulnerable groups

  • Intervention & impact – evidence of interventions in place Even if outcomes or progress is limited, is there evidence of actions?

  • APP & teachers’ records

  • Exam and test outcomes

  • Lesson observation formative feedback and post-observation

  • Learners’ views, pupil conferencing & knowledge of targets

  • Parents’/ carers’ views – evidence of meetings

  • IEP reviews, Personal Support Plans

  • Progress against targets - teacher tracking

  • Students responses to written feedback

  • Teachers’ data packs

  • Case studies for individual pupils or groups

  • Book scrutiny; marking in books & indicating next steps

  • Planning scrutiny - planning that reflects gaps analysis/data interpretation

  • Learning journals, class scrapbook

  • EYFS profile data

  • External input – SIA observations, etc.

  • “Sign off day” – teacher giving evidence to next year’s teacher

  • Pupil voice: ‘I have met my target’

An annotated seating plan, EHCP or IEP (sometimes known as a learner passport) would also help with this. Photographs of your marking records or write ups of pupil progress meetings would also help to show evidence of this. Make sure that you anonymise any student names included on the documentation you upload.

Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.

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