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For teacher sub-standard 1c, you need to demonstrate that you consistently demonstrate the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.

The types of evidence you can use to showcase this are:

  • Lesson observations and learning walks show consistency of practice

  • Teachers model behaviour, respect, politeness expected in and outside class to other colleagues and visitors, not just children

  • Regular feedback to pupils

  • Follow school’s behaviour code consistently, including sanctions, rewards, code in& out of classroom; display work

  • Vision & values of school demonstrated;

  • Home/School agreement; Class charter/rules

  • Behaviour around school – transition times, playground, time keeping

  • Feedback from outside agencies and community, e.g. trips out, visitors’ book, parents’ feedback

  • Pupil conferencing/ voice; School Council

  • Being interested in, and committed to, each child as an individual

You could utilise a series of lesson observations from the same class/group to showcase that you are consistently meeting this too – ask your mentor/host teacher to focus on how you are reinforcing positive attitudes, values and behaviour you expect from students. You could also use photographs of rewards/written praise given in books or your reward wall in your classroom. Be sure that you anonymise any student information

Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.

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