For teacher sub-standard 1a, you need to provide evidence that you consistently establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect.
The types of evidence you can use to demonstrate you are meeting this are:
Safeguarding practice matches policy
Class environment – how does environment support and extend learning?
Attendance and punctuality; bullying log/ behaviour log
Opportunities for learning outside school day; completion of homework
Pupil behaviour in lessons: behaviour systems promoting learning, e.g. peer feedback
Possible rewards and sanctions (including celebration assemblies, class assemblies)
Relaxed atmosphere within class – pupil talk; confidence to speak and discuss; for pinions
Lesson observation and learning walks; portfolio of (stimulating) displays &learning walls (which represent minorities e.g. disabled, ethnic groups, etc.)
Student voice – especially look for stimulating environment & high expectations; impact of peer mediators and peer coaching; pupil questionnaire
Cross-phase/ mixing year groups
Use of external agencies
Induction systems at start and middle of the year
Ability to work with parents/carers to establish positive behaviour
Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.
You could use annotated lesson plans, observations or lesson evaluations to help with this or photographs of displays/report cards/rewards given. Make sure that you anonymise any student work you upload.